ca-app-pub-3125973951741059/7023086699 google-site-verification=IxXfcqCp0lJ52wH5uQCrint5bTkcsrxnDT4I-15eH5E Greta Toolkit Probe: Nikita Jacob Granted Interim Protection Of 3 Weeks From Arrest ~ daily world news

Greta Toolkit Probe: Nikita Jacob Granted Interim Protection Of 3 Weeks From Arrest

 Greta Toolkit Probe: Nikita Jacob Granted Interim Protection Of 3 Weeks From Arrest

Relief for lawyers and activists Nikita Jacob from the Bombay High Court in its order today the Bombay High Court has granted Nikita protection from arrest for the next three weeks. There is also a 25,000 rupees bond in case of arrest within this particular period. Her lawyer has argued that Nikita has cooperated in the Delhi police probe, but was apprehensive when the non bailable warrant was issued against all this as another suspect Shantanu Malek was granted 10 day anticipatory bail by Bombay High Court. Sorry, he was given out an anticipatory bail by the oranga bad High Court I stand to be corrected. By that bench yesterday, Nikita and Shantanu along with Disha, who is under police custody has been accused of CO creating the toolkit that was shared by environmental activist Greta thunberg. While she extended support the ongoing farmers agitation in the country.

He honourable Bombay High Court has considered the judgments of the Supreme Court were in transit bail applications has been allowed. Also, in other cases where there is an objection from the learned counsel for the respondents and even those has been allowed. Now she is not at risk anymore, apprehending any kind of arrest at least for the next three weeks. So now she will approach the proper appropriate forum. She has always been ready to and ready and willing to cooperate. She has been cooperating. In the meantime also. She's been called upon for investigation. She'll definitely cooperate.

With us reporting from Mumbai, bringing us up to speed with the very latest video it's a huge relief coming in for activist Nikita Jacob. There was a plea filed to seek interim relief for four weeks while she's got him three weeks relief. It gives us enough time to prepare for her defence in this particular case as well with the

jetty if we have to remember that this relief that has been granted to me by Jacob is given for three weeks but it is only temporary and was not fought on the merits of the case for example, Delhi police that it has been harping about the umpteen number of evidence that it has it will be putting up all that evidence it will be putting up it's a before the Delhi court where she again would want to seek an extension of this relief that she has got from Bombay High Courts and this is only for three weeks later on when the Delhi police would want to investigate her interrogate her and she would not want to get arrested then she'll have to really go to a Delhi court where she will have to seek this entire you know if freedom that she has been she has got here so certainly there is a huge and much larger challenge before her Nikita Jacob right now, which will happen right here they're in Delhi code itself, where Delhi police will be able to probably try you know, put it all the evidence that it has against her the empty number of WhatsApp chats, the umpteen number of emails and other you know, transactions that they have gone through. And that will probably be a huge challenge for Nikita Jacob to prove her innocence and rare she will have to really tell the court as to how she is not really coloured. You know, she was not really connected to the colour Stannis.

All right. That's a clarification coming in from Vidya who's tracking the story in absolute detail she's giving us all the updates as they are coming in from the Bombay High Court role of the accused activist and lawyer and actor Jacob is under scanner in the toolkit case. According to Delhi police sources in this an allegation coming in. Nikita has a bigger role to play in the conspiracy. They claim that she was using an email id of poetic justice foundation. It is also alleged that Nikita wanted to get gretta involved in the movement and to help of the sharabi the accused use to allegedly refer to toolkit as comes back which is a very normal way of referring to it because it's a code word for communication package nothing else. Nikita and her statement to Delhi police on 11th February has said that she attended a zoom call meeting with certain groups as alleged by Delhi police. These are pro calsonic groups, but she also said that they were creating an informative document with no intention to incite violence. The cops have also sought details from zoom on the participants of the 11 January meeting. Let's first you know get those details. Let the cops tell us from zoom who were the participants before trumping the country or in the FR that has been launched in the activist Greta tunberg toolkit case by the Delhi police. It's been alleged that banned outfits like SQL justice were involved in there is a global conspiracy to defame India. The cops are scrutinising about handling 20 gigabytes of data that has been seized. So let's get you more on this toolkit case at the moment. We're getting you the latest updates coming in but remember these are all inputs that are coming in from Delhi police sources At the moment we still have to wait for the investigation to get over. In fact the case that was heard in the Bombay High Court granted relief from arrest to activists Nikita Jacob. India Today has access WhatsApp chats between Nikita and Peter Frederick, who is an author and activists and there are some allegations that he is linked to Pakistan's ISI not proven as yet these are just allegations Nikita and Peter are seen discussing which VPN to use. Peter asks, which VPN to use Nikolas replies that the best for Shantanu to use is proton VPN cybershot is compromised. Somebody who understands tech will be able to explain this job and much better. The Delhi police has allegations coming in that these individuals Why were they changing VPN and social media platforms as well. The conversation allegedly was held up to drafting the toolkit that was set shared by gretta

Alright, so that's the latest coming in there are source these information coming in on Peter having a Xilinx Peter will issue a clarification on that. We will try and get him to issue that clarification also get you all the other sides of the story. These are just allegations for the moment. All of it is subject to investigation for now but if the allegation is true, it is grave allegation. Let's get you the lens on eight toolkit players at the moment. We're getting you the from Delhi police sources this is information coming in Nikita Jacob who is an accused activist and lawyer and she's been granted interim protection from arrest at the moment This has already been arrested and questions arising on why she's arrested and whether she could have let go off only with a simple interrogation and Shantanu Malik she's gotten he's gotten 10 day bail at the moment and that's coming in from the Delhi police sources all this information and lens on eight players mo hollywell This is a big one cassani pj founder suspected toolkit author if this gets pulled it is a very big allegation. Let's get to the other players as well on our screens. Peter Frederick, he is suspected ISI stooge but he's actually a journalist. But if he is a suspected ISI stooge, it is a grave allegation allegedly in touch with Nikita ponyta who is the aide of Taliban and key go between according to Delhi police sources Now tell us is linked Nikita to khalistan he grew up and was a part of the Shah's whatsapp group as well. This is what the delivery sources have told us. There is also a guy called shoe bomb in the WhatsApp groups with the Shah but we still don't know who this person is sources have not declared who he is at the moment. But this these are the eight toolkit players and all this information coming in from the Delhi police sources are window Jones's diversion, many questions arising even the opposition going onto

question isn't this a bit of an overreach by the Delhi police at the moment?

The head of the legata DISA Jota mom accused chunky poxy Avi poxy Allah Qatari struck a bygone era investigation legata jury has a delay police cannot delay police McAfee data recovery cost per customer per job era for vertical Nikita cooperativity Tata coffee good data Mila Hashmi, Whatsapp chatter dismay email id as a Delhi police car can I just may? Jupiter fabric okay sapanca What's up Chad B Miller has a secure app Kibaki sorry I don't know KBC coins as a secure app has kitchari abaci key jack D. Osceola B Kulasekara. D bo battiato.

Maybe what the politicians can teach maybe Oh t Joby. No tourists a sa professional who are sensitive otay vo de Kota logona WhatsApp signal pr muka National cardia a telegram pay move Karnataka de sabi ko apne privacy ke Parvati a or is current say secure WhatsApp Jo hota hai at secure Chateau to speak you know you can't look more into it or the thing that there is more to it than meets the eye. If you prefer a communication platform, which is more secure than WhatsApp

the camera may Apatow batara who dhulipala Skinner Jeremy volg rbv rpki torpor Java up Nikita baccala deja vu fedrick ibaka De De De Luca Luca press conference cursor kerkia Sofia WhatsApp chat A or B k WhatsApp chat Hey, Jasmine, yay Joe important Partridge yamakawa Tara buoy hockey sebaliknya connectivity stablished we have Dilip paluska Nike, Joe freidrich. Joe Dodger Chase, a Jasper Kufa john tsuchiura freidrich or Nikita kbT, a WhatsApp chat bot Kapila Mia Jasmine secure app Kibaki Zarya, Mia Viva Tara ki cyberghost compromise the Oscars tamale Karna the lipolytica cannot be a simple activity How lucky opnieuw kobilka Heroku secure app cosy Nakata to smoke we bought a Samana bothnia aqui licking the lips cackalacky Assa t what's up Chatham como la casa torpor Nikita K. Mo Taliban al Qaeda Caribbean ponyta una casa could Nikita aquatic justice foundation Mustafa email id use Katia K. Jo sources Kamiya jankari Maria purigen Carina Mary Jo Hama, cautious Caracas Navy were school exclusives and carry the Germans and carry malaria investigation copy Java SE GB sacks of BS, RGB calibre data scrutiny Korea

is very important is talking about how we're getting all this information coming in from sources at the moment of Delhi police. These are allegations from now very slowly as we go along the way we will also try to get you more information as far as where do these accused stand? Where do these activists stand visa v. These allegations that are coming in. Thank you so much for joining us.


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