Mamata Banerjee Sustains Leg Injury, Says Attacked by 4-5 People
Big political debate that has unfolded unfortunately, which should have ideally been an investigation and also a matter of condemning an act of violence has now become entirely political with the BJP says that Mamta Banerjee attack on monta Banerjee is actually political.
She's doing it to gain political sympathy. Monica vantaggi now joins us, Monica, first of all, would you like to tell us and give us a bit of an update on her health condition? What have you learned from your sources in the hospital?
All I know is that she has been admitted to sscm Hospital, which is the state government premier hospital. And she needs medical care, or we don't have that data. Ideally, she should have been flown out in a helicopter. But because it was all well past dusk, they could not. And it's three and a half hour drive really from an underground to Kolkata. So even that, in a way can worsen the strain that it has. That is her health condition and rest. incident in which this 66 year old lady was clearly clearly distraught and hard. You could see that as I decided
to pick her up, the security guard physically recharges on the car and put her into the backseat so that she could stretch out because she had clearly hurt her back on her wrist or something like that.
And then of course, we have this flurry of reactions coming in the BJP Arjun Singh was the first of the ground and he has said that, you know, there was no Taliban attack. And this is all drama by my minister, similar similar reactions coming in from adhesions and chaudry of the Congress, which as you mentioned, these these reactions instead of us condemnation of any violence on serving Chief Minister for women Chief Minister of political attacks on her, which is perhaps you know, the mood of the hour really, nobody Graham afford to boiler off an election of blockbuster of an election, where even today amount of damage he filed his nomination for the former Minister of India because he attacks and it's just going downhill. And then suddenly, you have the chief minister, injuring herself.
The details of course.
Absolutely. Many thanks for that update. Let me now introduce our guests for a discussion on why this is a matter which should have ideally been where everybody should have condemned an act of violence has now become political. JD Majumdar, Associate Editor of Suraj magazine is with us Professor Ananya Chakraborty, political analyst supports the TMC. They've Gianni Bhattacharya, political analyst and a columnist supports the BJP. Smitha Gupta is a senior journalist. And we also have Dr. Shashi Pandya, Minister of State for women and child development in social welfare. The government has been called Dr. Pangea. Let's begin with you first. You've heard what the BJP has said. I would want your reaction. Would you like to tell us how would you want to respond to what the what the BJP has said? In fact, even the Congress's or the Ranjan chaudry, has said that this is this is all for politics to gain sympathy.
It's absolutely pathetic, and highly irresponsible statements by the leaders of the opposition parties. I mean, everybody knows. And we all know that she's extremely popular in West Bengal. And there was a massive response today in underground block one and block two. And today she has filed a nomination, she has been visiting various places of worship, there was a tremendous, you know, enthusiasm there. So, I think how politically empty is the thought process of the leaders of the opposition or even the agenda is so shallow that such a thing took place. And after that, instead of trying to inquire into the health of a person, you are labelling it as drama, etc, etc, which is absolutely deplorable. We condemn in the, you know, in the strongest words, and this is not expected, especially investment. The people were sensitive, so I don't know it's further downfall for them. It's farther downhill for them. Okay being pathetic.
Okay. JD Majumdar. I want to bring you in at this moment. Do you think that the least that one expects in a situation like this is political simply forget political sympathy or or to come out and condemn?
Absolutely, it is. Definitely condemnable if such an incident has taken place. She's obviously heard that we can make out from the visuals we could make from the visuals and she is she was hurt. She was distressed. And this is not something that should have happened at all. I mean, whoever is responsible, they should be an inquiry. It is quite surprising and shocking that they were no cops. Policemen sorry, as she had alleged they were around none of them that are on this is absolutely shocking. I mean, how can I How can there be no security for the Chief Minister? Having said that, I would say that, you know, this sort of attacks on opposition being labelled as drama. This has been going on for a long time. if if if we go back a few weeks, the attack on BJP president jp nadda, I remember. That was also, you know, sort of labelled as drama by by the trinamool. So, I mean, this happens, but then it is unfortunate. Yes, I mean, but one needs to condemn it and happening to a woman especially our lady. Yeah, I mean, unimaginable.
Absolutely. They've journey. See, the point is that she is hurt is a fact that she was attacked by people with an ulterior motive is something which is being debated right now. But the fact that she has been hurt, right, as JD also says, needs to be condemned. Do you or do you not believe in this? Because right now, the sort of political statements that are coming in, it almost appears there's one BJP leader saying that, you know, this is no Taliban, where anyone can go and attack anyone she had security. At least condemned or or, you know, a plus some amount of sympathy that she's hurt. No, no,
absolutely. You know, a lady at her age. It's not at all good.
Then she falls and breaks her leg. And we all feel very sad that she has made she's laying down afternoon Sheila, Chief Minister, and she feels hard she calls this is absolutely undesired. The incident is as desired. Now, this thing is, how it happened, why it happened, what responsibilities that this comes later. But the incident is definitely it makes us makes all of us sad that he she has actually fallen and something. Something has happened. And she's also saying that my kids are swelled up. Visa matters, which concerns all the wasting all people because she is after all the chief minister. But how did it happen because she's a really sturdy woman. We remember a few days back, she was driving us Fuji. She was about to fall, but she finally managed. She's a woman. How did she fall? Because as Dr. Shashi Pandya was saying, that judgement there, there was a lot of good, you know, good response from the people.
And she is the people's leader, actually. So in this kind of environment, how could somebody she's a very popular leader, as Dr. Pandya was saying, and she indeed is. So when she was dead to this type of fork, and how can I, how can we secure because the security people or the state
doesn't add up? Then how could for assailants come in? It doesn't become
her personality? She's a sturdy lady. She's a street fighter, how secondly, she falls and that is, but she must be alright, because she's the chief minister. applaud all of us.
That's my point. Okay. Okay. Very quickly, Samantha Gupta. And then Professor Anna Smith.
I think the the attack on Mamta Banerjee today is an indication of how high the stakes are for Miss bannerjee his opponent. It also comes, you know, with less than 24 hours after the DGP of police of the state has been changed. So when people talk about lack of security or lack of police and surprise Well, one wonders whether the Election Commission really needed to make such a change right in the middle of the campaign. As far as the kinds of comments that have come in from the BJP Chief, they I think that deplorable as far as understudies are jen chaudry I think he's digging his own grave.
Because it at a time if the CPM and the Congress were really serious about taking on the BJP as they claim they are they should be making Mamta Banerjee that target. I mean after the Congress has got it's a national party its take is to defeat the BJP in the country. And here it is getting into a petty game with Miss bannerjee who is after all an old convent and arms. I think it's completely in deplorable Okay, I think sopan task of the BJP caught the mood right, he has expressed sympathy
please let us say that security.
That is the problem. I you know, it seems that the reactions the political reactions are mirroring the sort of personality, you know, the sort of personality political personalities we are looking at. So you've got some people in the Congress who are sympathetic, who are you know, basically saying that this is wrong should not have happened and then you've got an ad Ranjan jagi was taken a binary opposite position, then in the BJP, what a Swapan Dasgupta. And then you've got, you know, the State Leadership, many other BJP leaders also who have gone on to say that this is a political stunt. Professor Ananya I want to come to you now, do you feel that this is the sad reality of politics in West Bengal, where when the BJP chief was attacked, the trinamool Congress had an identical position. And today when Mamta Banerjee has been attacked.
The BJP says these are claims that she has been attacked. She's done it for publicity.
Okay, let's clarify one little. Yeah, just let me clarify one little thing. If you remember the day netta was attacked. They clearly blame CMC today. The same did not blame any political party. She just said that some unknown assailants attacked her.
That's the first thing. Secondly, the De nada, gj Pina does, convoy was attacked, that is the day when the TMC was releasing its report card of the fact of the last five years, that was a very important day for them. And because of the attack on the naadac convert convert convoy the entire media attention was diverted towards that and nobody really no media actually talked about an extremely important event by the TMC, which is the release of the report card. So that is why the TMC felt that it was you know, it was orchestrated to divert attention from a very important
feeling versus reality are two totally different things right now.
I'm just, I'm just saying that this is that they had clearly condemned that they had said that it was the TMC who attacked Okay, so you're saying, Mantovani is not blamed any political party. But, but we have to, you know, one very important thing here is that she is the tallest leader, and she is the only party in this assembly election, which has a clear, you know, which has a clear cm face, and she's the star campaigner. So it is only to the advantage of the opposition, that she, you know, be somehow indisposed. Okay.
Just very quickly, yes, yes, we just want to say there's a few unknown persons had pushed her to the car and forcibly tried to close the door. This is one. Secondly, is that the Election Commission, the model code of conduct is on and the Election Commission is in total grip of the situation. So where is the role? I mean, you have various opposition leaders asking about the police and the police is now under the Election Commission. Okay, so all the complaints are going to the Election Commission and the collection election commission would have to
report Dr. Mangia,
as we said that it was just a day ago that the DGP ctgp got replaced. Correct.
So anyway,
having said you're putting two and two together. investigation, we should wait for an official report. I think that will be the best way because now what is happening is 100% politics. The BJP in Bengal has also released a video clip of some other channel where they say that I witnesses are saying that she was not attacked. Her car actually bumped into something on the road, and that caused this so they do admit that she was hurt, but not as a consequence of an attack. The BJP has taken this line. But thank you very much to all of you all for joining us. Surely this space is going to develop. There will be a lot of politics as for most of the things right now in West Bengal. Thank you very much to all of you.
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