Coronavirus News Updates | Can India Avert Another Big Covid-19 Surge
written letter to the pm office and the union health minister to identify and give us opportunity to select about 1000 influencers among the society. And similarly, I have also requested for the families of the frontline warriors and helpline workers where they're constantly exposed because of the professions that they're no better offs will be in. And lastly, but not least, the comorbidity and above 50 years of the age also should be considered on priority. These are all the issues that are returned to the Union Government. So let's
show you what the center's advisory to states right now on COVID is this is an updated advisory number one increased vaccination to four days a week from the current three build hubs for the second vaccination drive, that is going to be starting very soon. Number three, increase the number of RT PCR tests that is the most accurate test for COVID-19. Conduct RT PCR after negative rapid test results always focus on strict comprehensive surveillance, monitor the mutant strains that have come in from the UK, South Africa, and Brazil. So that's the updated advisory that's gone out from the central government to the states that are now affected.
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